Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome To the Lansford Blog

Blogging seems to be a great way to keep in contact with friends and family, so I'm starting one and will do my best to update regularly. Currently Anastyn is 5 1/2 weeks old, but I'm going to start by posting her birthdate info.

Anastyn Claire Lansford
July 2, 2008
5:51 PM
8 pounds
21 inches


Devin said...

I'm so glad to see you're blogging, even if it required that I set it up and force it upon you. I just need a way to keep updated on my baby niece. Love you!

Devin said...

The pressure's on, I've officially linked you to my blog! You don't want to let down the readers. Love you bunches, give Anastyn kisses for me.