On Monday, July 6, Anastyn had her ONE year check-up. She is doing very well. She is a good, healthy baby. Her stats were 18 lbs. 8 oz (8%) and 28 inches long (16%). Still a small little one, but she is growing well the doctor says. She is just our little peanut.
My home computer is still not working, so I am unable to upload any of our pictures, but I promise there will be one photo-loaded post coming soon!
Anastyn is really enjoying being able to walk. She is so busy all of the time, and she does NOT want our help. She doesn't really like to hold your hand when she is walking and she has to always try to do something on her own before she will let you help. Most definitely, she is "Little Miss Independent"! I have been told that there was another girl in our family that was the same way when she was little. I have no idea who they could be talking about!
Anastyn loves her food and is a healthy little eater. She LOVES blueberries and most of the fruits that I give her. She has had blueberries, apples, kiwi, bananas, strawberries, rasberries, grapes, and mandarin oranges. She likes her veggies too, but doesn't eat them quite as well as the fruit. She is almost completely bottle-free. She is just taking a bottle in the morning now and the rest of the day she is drinking milk and water from her sippy cups. She eats her meals like a champ and we recently discovered she really likes pizza. She ate almost a whole piece and that was after I had already fed her supper.
She knows our routines and is often pointing to tell us where we need to go next or what things we need to grab. She loves to play with her books and toys a little more now. Anastyn LOVES to go outside. She points to the birds and the airplanes the entire time we our out there. There is also a dog a few houses down that she hears barking and makes her dog sound. She loves to run around in the yard and have us chase her. She is so much fun!
Some of my favorite things that she does:
She takes toilet paper and holds it up to her nose and blows.
She puckers her lips for us to give her a kiss (and then plants a big open mouth kiss on us)
She tries to put her shoes on her feet.
She does motions for "Itsy, Bitsy Spider","Wise Man", (she likes the rain motions), "This Little Light"(She hides it under the bushel and blows it out... so cute!) and "If Your Happy and You Know It" (she claps, stomps, and touches her head).
She is always dancing when she hears music.
She carries her baby doll around and loves on it.
She always waves by-by when we are ready to leave.
MY VERY FAVORITE: She puts her hands together to pray when we pray. At church after we sing, if it gets quiet, she puts her hands together, she knows what comes next! Too sweet!
There are so many more things that she does that I love (LIKE, EVERYTHING lol) but I will leave you with these things.
It has been such a fabulous year with this sweet little girl! We are so thankful that God blessed our lives with Anastyn!